From beginners to professionals, our Academy offers the opportunity for targeted training and further education. With a professional team of instructors, we impart knowledge with identity and high practical value. Special attention is paid to safe gun handling, hunting shooting and game meat processing.
To live and teach the hunt.
Concept and philosophy
proper hunting – a matter of training and character

Hunting is more than just to bring down game. Hunting is multifaceted. It is practised by people with different ways of thinking. But one thing unites all these people – a passion for hunting as a craft and cultural asset with a long tradition. Hunting is one of the oldest passions of mankind, but this also means that hunters constantly have to face new challenges. And this is only possible through innovation and people who work together to drive it forward.
At TARGET WORLD, we are part of this innovation and would like to drive it forward together with you and reinterpret it in the 21st century. To this end, you will not only learn about the theoretical side of hunting in our Academy courses. It is all the more important to us to give you practical experience, respect and responsibility towards animals and nature.
hunting licence
The way to your hunting licence

The TARGET WORLD hunting licence course begins with enthusiasm for the craft of hunting and ends with the hunting test, which entitles you to hunt worldwide. Our teaching and learning materials as well as numerous preparations are available to you along the way. Fully equipped rooms and our modern and versatile shooting ranges with practice courses guarantee maximum learning success – so that you can successfully pass the hunting exam and obtain your hunting licence. As you will be spending a lot of time at your desk, it is all the more important to savour the valuable hunting moments in the great outdoors.
We take you out stalking in our training grounds and you experience life as a hunter at first hand on excursions. The guarantee of your success: practical, technically sound and exciting hunting training. The TARGET WORLD Academy team consists exclusively of qualified specialists. We will teach you the craft of hunting with pleasure and expertise and guide you safely through the hunting exam!
Der erste Schlag soll Sie zum Jäger weihen, der zweite Schlag soll Ihnen Kraft verleihen, der dritte Schlag soll Sie verpflichten, nie auf die Jägerehre zu verzichten. Mit diesen drei Schlägen nehmen wir Sie in die Jägerschaft auf. Weidmannsheil!
Seminars and courses
Our educational hunting trip with further training courses

In addition to the hunting licence, the TARGET WORLD Academy offers seminars and courses for hunters who want to expand and deepen their knowledge and skills in the craft of hunting. Because even as an old hand, you never stop learning. We look forward to training you according to current needs, but above all according to the requirements of responsible hunting. Just like the demands of hunting, we are constantly evolving and updating our range of courses.
Dive into the world of hunting. We look forward to your enquiry!

The TARGET WORLD Hunting Competence and Shooting Centre in Landscheid with hunting school, shooting ranges, store, lodge, restaurant, seminars, conferences and events was funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.